Friday, September 24, 2004

Rock chick

Hair always looks best right before it is cut. The days before the appointment are pretty much guaranteed to be good hair days and the moment in front of the mirror when the stylist clicks open the scissors is without a doubt your defining moment in terms of hair. You are, at that precise moment, as hot as you are gonna get. The haircut is just a reset.
Last year, I got a haircut. My hair was dark blonde, streaked, and fairly long. I like it that way, and so do the boys I sleep with. But I felt that starting a new job, and in a university to boot, meant that the mane would have to be clipped so that a new professional me could emerge from her chrysalis. Plus, I was turning 30 and wanted something to mark the solemn occasion. Mistake. Mistake, mistake, mistake. Too much pressure. What stylist can handle that sort of pressure? I walked out of there looking pretty blonde and pretty good only to discover that what I was in fact sporting was a soccer-mom haircut, albeit adapted for the new milleniun (I hate people who use the term new millenium). I was professional. I was wholesome. I wore glasses that made me look smart. I looked like a fucking cunt.
Last night, I got a haircut. Marched into a trendy salon on St-Laurent (late for my appointment) and put my hair (which by now was looking fabulous, naturally) in the hands of who I hoped was a very talented colorist (he was) and a very experienced stylist (she was). Told them about the soccermom débâcle, told them about being 30. They got it. The colour choices freaked me out but I went with it (I was able to practice my lâcher prise) and the haircut method was rather unorthodox since the stylist had learned it that weekend from a hotshot star stylist giving a workshop in TO. « Vous faites très Aveda, ma chère » I was told. Whatever that means, I felt like a rock chick. I needed zippers. I needed a cigarette and a glass of scotch. I needed heavy eye makeup. I needed a tattoo. Best 200 bucks I ever spent. Motherfucker.

Tonic Salon Spa - (Damon and Karine did my hair)

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