Thursday, December 01, 2005

Gah. A whole year.

I simply cannot fathom that it has been over a year since I have posted anything here. Well, that isn't entirely true. I CAN fathom it. The road to hell, after all, was paved with good intentions. This was supposed to be an outlet for latent scribal tendencies "oh, Syl, you have a gift, you should practice more" - but in the end I find it hard to write without an audience. And I know blogs are supposed to have an audience, but only if you tell people about it, ya. But I am finding of late that I would like to say some things and so I figured that I'll say them here and see how it goes. I'll get to play with things like uploading images and what not. That should be fun.


  1. Also a whole year since your last birthday - bonne fête Sylwia!!!

    Meilleurs souhaits pour ta nouvelle année!


  2. I'm definitely going to read your stuff. Happy Birthday (a little late)
    And don't forget, your audience might be bigger than what you think...
