Ok, so there are things that happen no matter where we go and are so heartwarming that they make you forget about the stuff that is muck.
Five Favourite things about India
1. People spontaneously call out hello or smile and waggle their heads (especially if you do it first!) or bring their children over to shake hands. In a museum in Delhi a group of school children wanted to shake hands with me, every single child (like 50 or so), until I started doing Namaste instead and then they Namaste'd back with vigour and energy!
2. When you find good food it is VERY GOOD. Plus they keep giving you seconds and thirds until you can't handle it anymore (so much for losing weight in India!)
3. Every day is an adventure with a constantly changing human landscape. We fall asleep exhausted and sleep for 9 hours because our brains need to process it all.
4. The train! It is awesome! And don't let the dreadlocked backpacker crowd fool you, there is no shame riding in second class Air Con (fancier than regular class) when it is 36 degrees outside and humid! You still experience the "real India", whatever that means.
5. The enterprising nature of everyone. If there is opportunity, there is someone taking advantnge of it. My father would have loved this very American trait (American in the best sense of the word!)
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